Bach Flower Remedies

Complete the Self-Diagnosis Questionaire (available in Word 7 format) first.

The below flower remedies is © Stefan Ball

The information presented on this page is being used for personal and non-profit use. Please purchase the book (Flower Remedies by Stefan Ball) for further information that is not available on this page.

Please seek qualified medical advice!
The Flower Remedies are classed as complimentary medicine therefore can be given at the same time as any other course of medication and/or therapy.

  • If possible, always give the remedies diluted in water.

Name of Remedy Key Symptoms Associated Problems Treatment Goals
Agrimony (p28) A mask of cheerfulness and good humour. Hidden worries and fears. Refusal to face the darker side of life. Sleeplessness and restlessness. Tendency to alcohol, nicotine and drug abuse and other risky, thrill-seekings behavious. Tiredness. Restore the ability to cope with the bad and the good in life. Allow the person to see problems clearly and in perspective. Bring a deeper, calmer, quieter joy.
Aspen (p31) Unexplained anxiety, fear and terror. Forebodings that 'something' is going to happen. Nightmares. Fear of dreams and the dark. Palpitations, sweating, gooseflesh and trembling. Superstitious fears and an overactive imagination. Provide reassurance that there is nothing to be scared of. Give the person the confidence to explore religious thoughts without fear.
Beech (p33) Lack of understanding. Intolerance and irritability. Narrow-minded refusal to see the positive potential in people and situations Tension. Loneliness and isolation. Restore balance and widen mental horizons. Increase empathy with other peoples' situations and beliefs. Encourage greater humility and sense of unity.
Centaury (p36) Lack of will-power. Inability to say no. Enslavement to convention and to the beliefs and desires of more forceful personalities. Tiredness and exhaustion. Frustration caused by lack of inner strength, personal direction and achievement. Easily influenced by the views and attitudes of stronger personalities. Restore the ability to make reasoned, free choices. Nurture the personality. Provide strength to follow one's true path in life.
Cerato (p38) Lack of faith in one's intuition. Constantly and unnecessarily seeking advice. Distrust of one's own judgement. Overtalkative. Can appear foolish or silly. Sense of identity weakened by imitation of more forceful types. Restore confidence in one's own intuition and judgement. Grant the sufferer a quiet, unobtrusive assurance.
Cherry Plum (p41) Desperation caused by fear of going insane. Fear of hurting others or of committing suicide. Hysteria. Uncontrolled rages. Restore inner peace. Remove fear. Restore control over mind and emotions.
Chesnut Bud (p43) Inability to learn from experience. Thoughless repitition of past mistakes. Failure to move on. Absent-mindedness and forgetfullness. Periodic bout of preventable illness. Focus the mind on the present so that lessons can be learnt. Encourage an objective view of events. Encourage a sense of real progression and achievement.
Chicory (p46) Possessiveness. Selfishness. Desire to control the lives and behaviour of others, especially loved ones. Need to be the centre of attention. Fussy about trivialities. Argumentative, deceitful and manipulative. Prone to hysterical illness and hypochandria. Loneliness and low self-esteem. Encourage selflessness. Grant the security needed to give love without expecting a return.
Clematis (p49) Day-dreaming and fantasizing. Lack of interest in present reality. Poor will to live. Sleepiness, giddiness and tendancy to faintness. Absent-mindedness and forgetfullness. Restore interest in the present. Give an outer purpose to artistic and sensitive inner life.
Crab Apple (p52) Feelings of uncleanliness. Self- disgust and self-loathing. Also called for in cases where there really has been no contact with infection or contaminants. Phobias. Overfastidious attitude to the physical side of life. Frigidity. Restore sense of proportion. Resotre self-respect. Leave the sufferer at ease with his/her own physicality and unworried by illness.
Elm (p54) Feeling of being overwhelmed by responsibilities that are usually accepted calmly. Temporary loss of self-confidence. Exhaustion. Depression. Allow people to get back to their true calling. Restore usual calm judgement and faith in abilities.
Gentian (p56) Discouragement caused by a particular setback or problem. Pessimism. Tendency always to look on the black side. Doubt of one's abilities to overcome difficulties. Doubt of the wisdom of a course of treatment or action that is in fact working well. Generally, a lack of faith. Put one's reverses and disappointments in to perspective. Encourage a positive outlook and faith in the future.
Gorse (p59) Hopelessness and despair, usually caused by an adverse medical diagnosis, accident, etc. Unwillingness to try new treatments. Caomplaints of inherited conditions and chronic dis-ease. Pale, swallow complexion. Give new heart so that the fight for health can be resumed. Encourage an objective, positive attitude. Often used to encourage patients to persevere with a course of treatment.
Heather (p61) Self-obessesion. Self-centredness. Agressively talkative. Fear of being alone. Can be shunned by friends and acquaintences. Exaggeration and weepiness. Hypochondria. Turn from a talker to a listener. Give strength to help others and cope with one's own concerns.
Holly (p64) Intense hatred. Spiteful agression. Envy and jealousy. Outbursts of temper. Suspicion of other people's actions and motives. Restore harmony and ability to share. Restore faith in and love for others.
Honeysuckle (p66) Living in the past. Ignoring or fleeing from the present and taking refuge or becoming trapped in memories. Nostalgia and homesickness. Regrets. Inability to let go. Vagueness. Allow the person to value and learn from the past while living in and for the present.
Hornbeam (p69) Fatigue at the thought of completing a task or doing a job. The "Monday morning" feeling ("Aww! Do I have to go to work/school?"). Feelings of being in a rut. Procrastination. Restore strength and optimism. Allow the sufferer to resume positive action.
Impatiens (p71) Impatience and irritability. Desire to do everything quickly. Tension, nervousness, twitches and inability to sit still. Indigestion Increase empathy with others and patience with people and situtations.
Larch (p73) Lack of self-confidence. Feelings of inferiority. Fearful of trying to succeed. Passivity and lack of will-power. Instil confidence in abilities. Increase courage and will-power. Remove fear of failure.
Mimulus (p75) Fear of specific, everday things and situations. Any fear where a caused can be named. Shyness, timidity, blushing and stammering. Give courage to face and overcome fear. Allow the person to grow and move beyond the limits set by anxieties and phobias. Restore rationality.
Mustard (p78) Black depression with no apparent cause. Vauge gloom and melancholia. Thoughts all turned inwards. Finds no joy in normal pleasures. Restore emotional equilibrium. Attain serenity and stability with no fear of future attacks. Regain joy in living.
Oak (p79) Struggling on through great adversity. Never giving up. Bravery and hope against all odds. Overwork and tiredness, usually hidden. Obstinacy. Possible eventual breakdown if not helped. Restore high natural levels of strength and courage.
Olive (p82) Exhaustion following effort of some kind. Mental and physical tiredness. Loss of interest in life, hobbies, work, etc. Unbalanced approach to life caused by burning candle at both ends. Restore vitality and strength. Help restore balance in those who live unbalanced, exhausting lives.
Pine (p84) Self-reproach and guilt, often grounless. Guilt assumed for other people's faults. High ideals set for self but not for others. Self-punishing or self-destructive behaviour; for example drinking, gambling, masochism. Enable sufferers to learn from and recitfy past mistakes, then move on. Encourage positive responsiblity and good judgement.
Red Chestnut (p87) Fear that something awful will happen to a loved one. Over-concern for other people's welfare. Intrusive fussing over other people's lives. Hypochondria about other people's symptoms. Encourage calm and rationality. Free the sufferer and his/her loved ones from unnecessary anxiety.
Rock Rose (p90) Sheer terror. Blind panic. A feeling of hopelessness and helplessness in the face of any calamity or terrifying situation, including nightmares. Shock caused by fear (see also Star of Bethlemhem). Palpitations. Remove the terror and panic. Encourage calmness and courage in the face of fear.
Rock Water (p92) Rigidity of mind. Self-denial coupled with self-obession. Exaggerated idealism and perfectionism. Rigidity of the body, stiffness, etc. Unforgiving nature. Inability to change beliefs or direction. Encourage greater flexibility in achieving ideals. Turn the gaze outward and away from the self.
Scleranthus (p95) Uncertainty and indecision. Inability to choose between two options. Erractic mood swings. Sea-sickness, air-sickness, etc. Change uncertainty into certainty, indecisiveness into decisiveness.
Star of Bethlehem (p97) Shock, whether recent or in the past, and all the physical symptoms associated with it: vacant gaze, numbed thoughts, etc. Possible psychosomatic symptoms due to repressed shock. Neutralise shock. Allow the normal metnal, emotional and physical faculities to regain control.
Sweet Chestnut (p100) Extremes of anguish and hopelessness. Absolute despair, loneliness and desolation. Dr Bach described this state as 'the dark night of the soul' when all hope is gone. Despair is often kept to oneself so the the eventual collapse seems all the more irreversible. Restore hope and will to resist. Give strength to adjust and come to terms with inevitable change.
Vervain (p102) Tension and stress. Extremes of mental and physical activity. Overcommitment to causes, bordering on fanaticism. Great sensitivity to injustice and unfairness. Stress-related illnesses. Anxiety and insomnia. Overwork. Encourage a calm, reflective approach., Instil fair-mindedness and tolerance.
Vine (p105) Desire to lead and dominate. Lack of flexibility. Agressive pride and craving for power. Tension and tension-related illnesses. Cruelty and lack of compassion. Soften domination into leadership by consent. Turn a tyrant into a help and guide to others.
Walnut (p108) Oversensitivity to outside influences. Reluctance to change caused by past ties. Temporary domination by a strong personality. Any of the many milesones in life, from being born to going into retirement. Free the person from interference. Aloow the course of life to resume. Aid positive changes.
Water Violet (p110) Pride and aloofness, often leading to loneliness. Mental and physical rigidity. Encourage the self-reliant person to open up to others. Temper pride with sympathy.
White Chesnut (p112) Unwanted and persistent worries and other repetitive thoughts. Mental arguments. Insomnia, headaches and tiredness. Inability to concentrate on the tasks and pleasures of the moment. Flush out the unwanted thoughts. Leave the mind at peace, able to think clearly about problems and let go of them once they are solved.
Wild Oat (p114) Uncertainty about which direction to pursue in life. Frustration. Aimless drifting from career to career, couple with the desire to achieve great things. Help sufferers find their true vocation.
Wild Rose (p117) Resignation and apathy. Lack of energy and mental activity. May take a long time to throw off trivial ilnesses, due to lack of desire for improvement. Reawaken an interest in and zest for life. Encourage purposeful action and simple joy in being alive.
Willow (p119) Resentment, sulkiness, bitterness, self-pity and ingratitude. Introspective, negative thoughts of all kinds. Tearfulness. Life the person out of the rut of negativity. Encourage a more positive, even-minded approach to life and to other people.
Rescue Remedy
  • Star of Bethlehem
  • Cherry Plum
  • Rock Rose
  • Impatiens
  • Clematis
4 drops of each into a glass of water. Drank or applied to the lips, or dabbed behind the ears and on the wrists and temples.  

To help you pinpoint your type remedy you might like to try the following techniques: (p129)

  1. Write down all your good points and main strengths. Then note down what you think are the weaknesses that arise from those strengths.
  2. Imagine yourself in various situations.. for example at a party, attending a business meeting, giving a speech.. write down what your responses would be. Do you feel certain that you will make a mess of the speech, or are you excited at the thoughts of letting your audience know exaclty what you think? In the former case, your lack of confidence might lead you to look at Larch as a possible type of remedy; in the latter, your eagerness to persuade others of the rightness of your p.o.v could indicate that you are the Vervain type.
  3. Consider what qualities you feel you lack or desire. Would like to be more decisive? If so, take a close look ath the Scleranthus and Cerato types to see which one best fits you. Or perhaps you wish you could mix more easily with other people.. Water Violet might be indicated if you tend to hold yourself aloof, but if shyness is the root cause of the problem then you might be more the Mimulus type.
  4. If all else fails, ask someone else to tell you in all honesty what your good and bad qualities are - and don't get upset if the answer is not as flattering as you might wish.

Everyday Complaints please refer to Chapter 8 (p144)

(Chapter 13: p238,239)
... the following may apply to anyone whose way of life incurs the disapproval or persecution of others.
For those who suspect that they might be [homosexual, bisexual, Pagan, etc] but are unsure and consequently hesitate as to which path to take, there are a couple of remedies that may help. Scleranthus is the remedy for hesitation and doubt in general. Where the hesitation is due to the influence of other people - friends, relations, colleagues and so on - Walnut is the remedy to remove any unwanted influences so that [you] can tread [your] new path without being held back. Cerato helps those who find it necessary to seek the approval of others before [you] can [yourself].
If guilt is a problem, as it might be where the expectations of friends and/or parents have been upset, then Pine is the remedy to choose. This helps to remove the effects of this destructive emotion so that [you do] not have [your] life poisoned by it. Lack of confidence, which leads people to delay telling others the truth or even forces them to live a lie, can be helped with Larch, whilst for those who are actually scared of what other people will think or say, Mimulus is indicated. If, having taken the decision to be open about [your sexuality, spirituality and/or religion], there is a setback that leaves [you] feeling downhearted and unsure whether to go on, then Gentian is the remedy to help [you] overcome [your] temporary discouragement.
Finally, anyone who feels inclined to condemn people for their [sexuality, religion, race, height or any of the other counless thing] would be well advised to take a few sips of Beech, the remedy for intolerance.

The above information is from the book "Flower Remedies" © Stefan Ball. The information presented on this page is being used for personal and non-profit use - please purchase the book for more information.